Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ori what?

Origami, the ancient art of paper folding is one of my hobbies. A few years go my wife bought me a calander for my desk at work that was a different origami pattern everyday. I abosolutley loved it, and am always looking to learn new patterns. Well, I came across a pattern the other day that really interested me. A dragon. I have seen some pretty amazing things folded out of paper, but these are two of my favorites that I can make.

Dragon -- I have always had a facination with dragons.

Frog -- I ecpecially love this one becasue it is very complicated to fold and is different than most frog patterns.

Here are a coupe of amazing ones that I did not make. Maybe some day though.


Joan said...

I remember the day you wanted to get into dungeons and dragons and I had to say NOOOOO!!! I even made you go ask the bishop. Stick with the paper dragons, those are cute and I love the frog. My favorite is still the dove that you do for baptisms.

Hugs, Mom

Amy said...

What a cool hobby...can you make me a butterfly? Isn't fun to have out of the ordinary interests?!